Reasons Why Your PPC Leads Are Not Converting
PPC campaigns have threads of scope, and that’s why it is one of the most-talked digital marketing strategies of the age. Almost all businesses today are behind pay-per-click advertising for driving traffic to their website.
But often, they are found to be complaining that their PPC campaigns are failing dreadfully. Leads are not converting. Well, it’s expensive so, its failure hits hard. And in most cases, clients blame the PPC channel when something goes off the beam.
But that’s not true! It’s time to know the real reasons why leads don’t convert from PPC ads.
Some Reasons For PPC Leads Are Not Converting
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Samaritan InfoTech Digital Marketing ServicesAs a Digital Marketing company, Samaritan InfoTech provides entire services in promotions of products and brands in the world of Internet Marketing to reach customers. We provide services of search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), PPC advertising, Affiliate marketing, Social Media Optimization Services(SMO), Social Media Marketing Services(SMM), Content Marketing, SMS Marketing, and many more.
The grounds on which PPC ads fail may sound too common, and that’s why maximum marketers overlook these. Find out customary mistakes here –
1. Lack of communication between marketing and sales guys
There’s a common observation in many web development company in India, UK, US, Canada, Australia and elsewhere – the marketing and sales team don’t communicate properly. That’s a problem with businesses of all sectors actually. And they don’t even realize that!
For them, the sales cycle commonly looks like –
Marketing team drives leads à Sales team tries to convert those leads
Yes, that’s the course from drone view but there’s a lot of nitty-gritty in between, which needs attention to detail.
The process behind a successful PPC campaign is more like peeling an onion. Multiple layers, and flaking them can make you cry.
To convert the PPC leads, both the marketing and sales team must sit together to find answers of the following –
- What’s the actual length of the sales cycle?
- When should the marketing team transfer the ‘responsibility of leads’ to the sales team?
- Are there any vital new trends for the future in unqualified leads?
- How long will it take for the sales persons to contact an initial lead?
It’s a strategic concept that will not only help the PPC campaign but also impact the business as a whole.
2. False idea about the sales cycle timeline
Many still don’t know that a company’s average sales cycle is a crucial detriment to any PPC program. They go on assuming the sales cycle timeline instead of exploring the actual data. If that’s the plan, what else can happen than failure!
Before making an expense on PPC advertising, there are two essential things to discover –
- What is the client’s average sales cycle timeline?
- How they have reached that conclusion?
Here’s an example that will explain why sales cycle is so significant.
A PPC campaign is expected to generate 50 leads per month, and the current results are meeting the goals.
- Till this point, the sales cycle is assumed to be 30 days
One month later, the client complains that the leads are not converting (threatens to find another marketing agency). Basically, the client finds out that the leads aren’t quality.
After multiple panicked phone calls, meetings, and late-night digging, the client reaches the conclusion that –
- The actual sales cycle is somewhat close to 60-90 days
The key undertaking from this example is that there’s a data driven model for calculating the sales cycle, and that should be used by the marketing and sales team together.
Did you find the direct correlation of this point with the previous one (#1).
3. Budget creates the maximum tantrums in PPC campaigns
The year is 2020, and the world is drowning in pandemic. It’s a time when clients want cheaper rates and businesses want to more money. Can you sense the compatibility issue here?
On auditing the PPC leads of a failed campaign, you may observe some flabbergasting reasons behind the ‘unqualified leads’, which are –
- Approximately 80% of the leads are unqualified because of ‘budget’
- Close to 10% are termed ‘unqualified’ due to no follow-up or contact from the sales team
- Somewhat 5-10% are unqualified as the company didn’t fit to the needs
These are practical ‘no reasons’ to call the leads ‘unqualified’. It’s a weird time with the pandemic around so, every move should be made strategically.
There are two options that can resolve the ‘budget issue’ –
- Reviewing your pricing model. If majority of the leads turned unqualified because of budget, it’s time to restructure the pricing model. That’s how may be your competitors are operating. If you don’t take this approach, you may end up with close to no business.
- If some of the leads are unqualified only due to budget (and your products/services are good fit for them), save those leads for later and be in constant touch. When time returns to normalcy, these leads can become your potential customers.
Sustenance has become a challenge today, so look at all possible avenues.
4. High-volume keywords often target the wrong audience
A PPC campaign should be quality-oriented instead of quantity. You may be getting too many leads, but hardly any are converting – what’s the use of such a campaign!
It’s great when PPC ads are running well, but the bomb drops when leads are not converting. May be the keywords are not that impactful.
Dig a little deeper to find out whether there are a few keywords driving the majority of the leads. If the campaign is bidding on high-traffic, generic keywords, you may have made all the investments on the wrong horse.
To be assured of the root cause, ask yourself three questions –
- Does the keyword cover a wider scope (too generic)?
- What is its intent of the search?
- Who are your target audience?
PPC ads yield the most effective results when you reach the target audience. Improve demographic targeting by narrowing your target parameters. Sometimes geo-targeting can also help.
For example, if you use the keyword Web development company in Kolkata for a PPC campaign, you can reach the potential clients looking for developing a website in Kolkata for their businesses.
Did you identify what went wrong?
PPC advertising is fun and games if you are walking in the right path. As an entrepreneur, avoid taking impromptu decisions. Take time and sit with your Digital marketing strategist, marketing team, and sales team to identify the target audience and effective keywords. Also, make sure there’s enough communication within the teams.
No one can stop your PPC campaign from becoming the black horse if you circumvent these common mistakes.
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