Mental disorders in kids – A matter to worry
Mental disorders in children cause significant changes in the way children typically learn, behave, or handle their emotions, causing distress and difficulties getting through the day. Kids are the future of a nation, in the coming era we have high expectations from kids that sometimes may lead them to grow more and better or sometimes unfortunately get down with depression, anxiety as well as other mental disorders in kids.
Children frequently experience ups and downs that influence how they feel and behave. However, some children do not ‘bounce back’ from setbacks, and this begins to affect other aspects of their lives. This could indicate that your child is suffering from mental health issues.
Causes of bad effect on mental health
Moving home, changing schools, or the birth of a new sibling are all examples of triggers. Some children who start school are excited about meeting new people and participating in new activities, but others may be nervous. Teenagers frequently experience emotional upheaval as their minds and bodies mature. Working out and accepting oneself is an important part of growing up. Some young people struggle with the transition to adulthood and may experiment with alcohol, drugs, or other substances that can have a negative impact on their mental health.
- Heredity: Unfortunately, mental illness runs in families, which means that the risk of developing a mental disorder may be passed down from parents to their children and to the next generation.
- Trauma that may be mental or physical: Some mental illnesses, such as severe emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, may be triggered by psychological trauma.
A significant early loss, such as the loss of parental neglect – both emotional and physical can also lead to such things or feelings.
- Biological changes: Some mental disorders have been linked to neurotransmitters, which are special chemicals in the brain. Neurotransmitters assist nerve cells in the brain in communicating with one another. Messages may not make it through the brain correctly if these chemicals are out of balance or not working properly, resulting in symptoms. Aside from biological changes such as age, certain biological changes in a boy’s or girl’s body also cause mental stress.
Symptoms of mental disorders
- Persistent sadness — two or more weeks
- Withdrawing from or avoiding social interactions
- Hurting oneself or talking about hurting oneself
- Talking about death or suicide
- Outbursts or extreme irritability
- Out-of-control behavior that can be harmful
- Drastic changes in mood, behavior or personality
- Changes in eating habits
- Loss of weight
- Difficulty sleeping
- Frequent headaches or stomachaches
- Difficulty concentrating
- Changes in academic performance
- Avoiding or missing school
- Anxiety disorders: Children with anxiety disorders respond to certain things or situations with fear and dread, as well as with physical signs of anxiety (nervousness), such as a rapid heartbeat and sweating.
- Disruptive behavior disorders: Children with these disorders tend to defy rules and often are disruptive in structured environments, such as school.
- Eating disorders:Eating disorders involve intense emotions and attitudes, as well as unusual behaviors, associated with weight and/or food.
- Elimination disorders: These disorders affect behavior related to the elimination of body wastes (feces and urine).
- Affective (mood) disorders: These disorders, including depression, involve persistent feelings of sadness and/or rapidly changing moods.
- Schizophrenia: This is a serious disorder that involves distorted perceptions and thoughts.
- Tic disorders: These disorders cause a person to perform repeated, sudden, involuntary and often meaningless movements and sounds, called tics.
- ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder): Children with this disorder are hyperactive and have trouble controlling their impulses and paying attention. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder in children.
Diagnosis of mental illness in kids
Mental illnesses in children, like those in adults, are diagnosed based on signs and symptoms that point to a specific disorder. This process, however, can be especially difficult for children. Much behaviour that are seen as symptoms of mental disorders, such as shyness, anxiety (nervousness), strange eating habits, and temper tantrums, can occur as part of a child’s normal development. When behaviour occur frequently, for an extended period of time, at an unusual age, or cause significant disruption to the child’s and/or family’s ability to function, they become symptoms.