Tag: how to identify your natural talents

Tag: how to identify your natural talents

A Quick Guide to Making the Most of Your Talents
February 28, 2020 Books, Business, City, Education, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hobbies & Leisure, Information Technology, International, Other, Technology Priya Saha

Optimizing your life means reaching your full potential. A key part of that, I believe, is making the most of your talents. The fact is, everyone has talents that they can use to contribute to the world. You have talents that you can use to make a difference in people’s lives. The question is: have you made

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How to Identify Your Limiting Beliefs and Get Over Them
February 5, 2020 Business, Education, Finance, International, Life, Other, Technology Priya Saha

If you think back to your earliest childhood memories, it’s likely you remember times when you were fearless. Curiosity likely took you to places you wouldn’t dare go now and at times, you probably threw caution to the wind. However, as you began to age, you were introduced to an unending list of rules about

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