Tag: immediate care of newborn after birth

Tag: immediate care of newborn after birth

How Do You Take Care of a Newborn Baby?
June 8, 2021 Health Mama Daily Dose

Taking care of a newborn baby can be a difficult task if you become a parent the first time. There are so many baby care products, newborn baby care products available. You should invest in a soft and most usable product for your baby’s skincare. Also, you must follow some baby care tips like washing

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Diaper Pants – Which One Is Suitable for Your Baby?
January 25, 2021 Beauty, Family & Community mama earth

Babies are dependent on adults as they are unable to walk, move and talk. All they do is feed, sleep, pee, poop, and repeat. They make different faces when they want something in particular. And show their discomfort through gestures and sound when they feel wet. It is important you understand your baby’s signs and

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Newborn Baby Care – Important Tips for Parents
February 23, 2020 Beauty, City, Education, Family & Community, Health, International Priya Saha

The first few months with your newborn can be chaotic and overwhelming for first-time parents. You will get all kinds of contradicting advice from everyone about newborn baby care. Deciding what advice to follow in regards to newborn care can be confusing. Caring for a newborn is exhausting and challenging, but it is also one of the

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How do you know if your newborn is hungry? Watch for these signs
January 6, 2020 International, Life Priya Saha

As I lay in my hospital bed, a confusing chart stared me down. I was a first-time mom and the maternity ward nurses had left me with a whiteboard, a dry-erase marker and a wailing newborn. I was told to nurse him every two hours and to record the time of each feed, as well

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